February 18, 2017


Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) MCL Violation at the Elmwood Park Water System

Our water system recent violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did (are doing) to correct this situation. 

We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing results from March 2016 through December 2016  show that our system exceeds the standard, or maximum contaminant level (MCL) for TTHM at one location.  The standard for TTHM is 80 ug/L.  It is determined by averaging all samples collected from each location for the last 12 months also known as the Locational Running Annual Average. The Locational Running Annual Average at the DPW Garage on Slater Drive, for January thru December 2016 was 82.6 ug/L.

What should I do?

  • There is nothing you need to do. You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. If a situation arises where the water is no longer safe to drink, you will be notified within 24 hours.

  • If you have a severely compromised immune system, have an infant, are pregnant, or are elderly, you may be at increased risk and should seek advice from your health care providers about drinking this water.

What does this mean?

This is not an emergency. If it had been an emergency, you would have been notified within 24 hours. 

TTHM are four volatile organic chemicals which form when disinfectants react with natural organic matter in the water.

[*People who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have increased risk of getting cancer.]

What is being done?

Additional hydrant flushing of the water system is being conducted by the DPW to reduce TTHM concentrations.

For more information please contact Robert De Block at 973-998-9100 at De Block Environmental Services, LLC, PO Box 675 Woodland Park, NJ 07424

“Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.”

This notice is being sent to you by the Elmwood Park Water System, PWSID# NJ0211001


Elmwood Park Library Survey

Let your voice be heard by completing a Library survey and returning it to the library or emailing it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Request for Qualifications and Proposals 2017 - posted 12/14/16

Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 19:45A-20.5, et. seq. referred to as the New Jersey Pay to Play Law, the Borough of Elmwood Park, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, hereby solicits its proposals for the award of contracts for the following "Professional Services" for the 2017 calendar year:

Rescheduling of Mayor & Council meeting

The December 1, 2016 regular public meeting of the Elmwood Park Mayor and Council has been changed to Wednesday, November 30.

Statement from Council President / Acting Mayor Louis R. Vuoncino

Dear Elmwood Park Residents,

Let me begin by again extending my heartfelt condolences to the Mola Family on the loss of our Mayor, Richard A. Mola.

Few can imagine a consecutive 45 year career as Mayor, but Mayor Mola accomplished that through his constant hard work and provided incredible service to our Borough. He will certainly be missed by all of us, but his legacy and dedication will be remembered always.

Cancellation of November 2016 Planning Board meetings

Both the regularly-scheduled work meeting which was to be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 and the regularly-scheduled public meeting which was to be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 have been cancelled. There are no pending applications before the Board.

Changes to 2016 meeting schedule of the Mayor & Council

The November 3, 2016 regular public meeting of the Mayor and Council has been canceled.

The November 10, 2016 work session will begin at 7:00PM, followed by a public meeting at 8:00PM.

Statement on the passing of Mayor Richard A. Mola

It is with great sadness and deep respect that we report the passing of long-time Elmwood Park Mayor Richard A. Mola.

Mayor Mola was a pillar of this community, serving as Mayor for 45 years. His caring nature for the people he served and dedication to the Borough he loved so much will be greatly missed.

On behalf of the entire Borough of Elmwood Park, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the Mola family during this difficult time.

Cancellation of October Planning Board meetings

Both the regularly scheduled work meeting which was to be held on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 and the regularly scheduled public meeting which was to be held on Monday, October 17, 2016 have been cancelled. There are no pending applications before the Board.

Calendar At A Glance

July 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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28 29 30 31

Upcoming Events

01 Aug 2024
07:00PM - 11:00PM
Mayor & Council Work Session Meeting
12 Aug 2024
07:00PM - 10:00PM
Board of Health Meeting
15 Aug 2024
07:00PM - 11:00PM
Mayor & Council Public Meeting