Q: How do I register to vote?

A: For information on registering to vote, and to download a voter registration form, visit the Borough Clerk's page on Elections & Voting.

Q: Where do I go to vote?

A: Elmwood Park is divided into election districts; click here to view the town's polling locations.

Q: When does my garbage get picked up?

A: Detailed information is contained in the "Waste Watchers Handbook", which is available for download below. You can also click the "Calendar" navigation tab.

Q: When do I put out my recycling?

A: Click the "Calendar" navigation tab to view the recycling pickup dates. You can also download the Waste Watchers Handbook from the previous link.

Q: How do I get rid of my leaves and yard debris?

A: Detailed information about the pickup of grass clippings, yard debris, and leaves is available in the Waste Watchers Handbook, which you can download from the above link. You can also check out the "Calendar" section of this site for pickup dates.

Q: How do I know what "section" of town I'm in for recycling and DPW pickup?

A: Section 1: from Kipp Avenue to Route 80, west of Boulevard to River Drive. Section 2: from Dye Avenue to Gilbert Avenue, east of Boulevard to railroad tracks, including all of Cherry Hill. Section 3: from Route 80 to Route 4,west of Boulevard to River Drive. Section 4: Rosemont Section and Route 4 to Washington Avenue, east of Boulevard to railroad tracks.

Q: How do I pay my property taxes?

A: Visit the Tax Collector's Office page for details.

Q: Do I need a license for my dog or cat?

A: Information on the licensing of dogs and cats is found on the Health Department's Health Services & Programs page.

Q: What do I have to do to hold a garage sale?

A: Information on garage sales is available on the Police Department's page, along with a downloadable application form.

Q: How do I get a marriage license?

A: Click here for details and a downloadable application: Marriage Licenses

Q: How do I get a building permit?

A: Click to contact the Building Department.

Q: How do I apply for a variance?

A: Click to contact the Building Department. For information on the Planning Board including application forms, click here. For information on the Zoning Board of Adjustment including application forms, click here.

Q: How do I obtain a Certificate of Occupancy?

A: Click to contact the Building Department.

Q: Where are the Borough parks & playgrounds?

A: Click here for a listing of town parks and playgrounds, including maps to their locations.

Q: What recreation programs does the town offer?

A: Visit the Recreation Department's page for details, including a downloadable program brochure.

Q: What services and activities are there for senior citizens?

A: Information on senior citizen services is available here.

Q: How do I find out what's going on in town?

A: Click on the "News" navigation tab to read recent Notices & Announcements and Community News. You can also click on the "Calendar" tab to see upcoming meetings, events, recreation activities, and more.

Q: When are the meetings of the meetings of the Mayor & Council?

A: Click here for a list of the Mayor & Council's scheduled meetings. You can also click on the "Calendar" tab to see upcoming meetings.

Q: What's on the Mayor & Council's Agenda?

A: Agendas and minutes of the Mayor & Council are available for viewing/downloading from the "Downloads" tab.

Q: When is the Municipal Court in session?

A: Information on the Elmwood Park Municipal Court is available here. You can also click on the "Calendar" tab to find out when the court is in session.

Q: How do I pay a motor vehicle ticket?

A: Please refer to the Municipal Court & Violations Office page. You can also pay certain tickets online at http://www.njmcdirect.com.

Q: Where do I get information about the schools in Elmwood Park?

A: Click here: Elmwood Park Public School System.

Q: Where is the library?

A: Click here: Elmwood Park Public Library.

click to pay your property taxes online

click for RAP message from Councilwoman Pellegrine

click for Master Plan Reexamination

click for Market Street Redevelopment Plan information

click to register for recreation events & programs online

click for Annual Water Report

click to pay your tickets online

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