Vaccination Information Shared by Mayor Robert Colletti

Incoming Vaccination Help Line Set to Open for Bergen County Vaccination CenterResidents 75+ can schedule vaccine appointments by calling(201)-967-4070 starting on March 19

Paramus, N.J. – Starting on March 19, Bergen County residents age 75 years and older now have the option to schedule vaccination appointments at the Bergen County vaccination site, located at the Alternate Care Facility Annex on the campus of Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, by phone thanks to a new incoming vaccination help line.

Message from Mayor Colletti - 5/1/20

Dear Elmwood Park Residents,

It is with great disappointment that I report that after consulting with the Veteran’s Committee, we have no other choice but to cancel this years Memorial Day Parade. As it stands, the Governor’s Executive Order would make it impossible to have an event such as a parade.

Our plan is to have some sort of organized ceremony, once the Executive Order is lifted or relaxed, to honor our veterans, who bravely and honorably gave their lives for our great country.

On a more positive note, I have been collaborating with the Borough Administrator/Police Chief to formulate a plan to re-open our Borough Parks starting this Monday, May 4th.

We would have like to have had them open and ready for Saturday, but due to some logistical issues, it won’t be possible until Monday at around noon.

In the meantime, our County Park, Artesian Fields is open, effective Saturday, as per the Governor’s order.

Please do your best to enjoy what appears to be a beautiful weekend, weather-wise.

Stay safe and God Bless you and your family.

Mayor Robert Colletti

Information regarding unemployment benefits and stimulus checks

Dear Elmwood Park Residents,

We would like to share some information regarding unemployment benefits and stimulus payments. Please see updates below:

$600 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC)

* If you are currently collecting unemployment: Residents already collecting unemployment will begin to see their $600 supplemental unemployment benefit arrive April 14 (for the week of March 29th). It will be a separate payment from your regular unemployment benefit, and will continue through July 25.

* New filers: You also will be eligible for the additional $600/week; it will be retroactive to the week of March 29th.

Freelancers, gig workers, independent contractors: While we wait for federal guidelines, we encourage you to apply for unemployment now. Your claim likely will be denied, but your ineligibility for regular unemployment is a prerequisite for receiving benefits due to COVID-19. Additional details will be posted online as they become available. Please visit

Stimulus Payments

Beginning April 14th, the government will send out the first economic stimulus checks of up to $1,200 to eligible taxpayers, beginning with people who have direct deposit set up with the IRS. You'll be able to track your payment with the IRS, through a tool called Get My Payment that the agency will have on its website this week, the IRS.

The IRS will turn on an online tracking tool called Get My Payment by April 17. This online tracking portal will show the status of your payment, including the date it's scheduled for deposit into your bank account, or mailed out to you.

Letter from Mayor Colletti to residents - 4/3/20

Dear Elmwood Park Residents,

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has thrust our community into unknown territory.  We are committed to ensuring that our residents are safe and updated with only the most important information while we continue to do everything we can to protect and care for our community.

On behalf of the governing body of the Borough of Elmwood Park, I would like to ask for your help in standing up to this invisible enemy by continuing to do your part to follow the vital social distancing guidelines and stay home unless you are an essential employee or if you need food or medication from a grocery store or pharmacy. Our Borough Administrative Offices, our Police Department, Fire Department, EMS and DPW are all doing their part to selflessly serve this community during this most difficult time.

Below you will find links to some valuable resources that will assist you with any questions you may have.

Please be well and know that we will continue to do our part to see our great community outlast and overcome this temporary health crisis.

Robert Colletti, Mayor
Borough of Elmwood Park

Covid 19 Toolkit & Resources:

Prevention & Protection

If You Think You Are Sick

Social Distancing, Quarantine, Isolation

Local, State and National Resources

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