County mosquito spraying in Elmwood Park on Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG in Elmwood Park on Wednesday September 2.Bergen County Mosquito Control will be performing a truck-mounted spraying mission to control adult mosquitoes and larvae using Duet Adulticide and Vectobac WDG in Elmwood Park on Wednesday September 2.

This application will be performed between the hours of 4-6 AM. Please keep your windows closed and pets indoors during the operation. Also move your pets, their food, and water dishes inside during the ULV application. Additionally, bring clothing and children’s toys inside. Remain indoors with windows closed and with window air conditioners on non-vent (closed to the outside air) and window fans turned off during spraying. If you must remain outdoors, avoid direct contact with the spray. This operation is weather dependent and may be postponed until the next day. For more information and possible updates please visit